ukКафедра теорії, практики та перекладу французької мови КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського

Eugenia Degtiareva

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor of The Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the French.

Education: National Technical University of Ukraine “KPI”, 2003. Translator, teacher of French and English, diploma with honours.

Teaches disciplines: “Second French (Practical Course)”, “Practical Course of Translation from a Second (French) Language” at FL; “Second French” at FMM; “French for Specific Purposes” at technical faculties, “French (Basic)”, “Theory of Text and Discourse” for masters.

In September 2016, she graduated from the postgraduate course at KNLU. On 30.11.2016 she defended her PhD thesis on “Linguistic and narrative ways of reproducing the internal speech of characters in French minimalist fiction texts”, speciality 10.02.05-Romance Languages.

In 2019, she was promoted to associate professor.