About our Department

The Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the French was founded in 2000 and is currently headed by Professor, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences Natalia Maiier. The department employs 12 research and teaching staff, including 2 professors, 7 associate professors, 2 senior lecturers and 1 teacher.

At the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the French students get education according to three educational programs (035 Philology): at the bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral (PhD) degrees of higher education (specialty 035.055 Romance Languages and Literatures (including Translation), primary – French).

The objectives and program results of educational programs allow graduates to be fluent in two foreign languages – French and English (the third German language being optional), to translate documents and texts of different degrees of complexity, to carry out and provide intercultural professional interaction in scientific and technical communities, to do research in the field of philology and translation, etc.

From the 3rd year of the bachelor’s degree, students begin to master the translation of professional scientific and technical texts, commercial documents, patents, etc., work with authentic documents in French. Educational programs develop the students’ skills in specialized translation, enabling them to expand the fields of their future professional activity. Gaining knowledge from other fields and mastering the third (German) language by studying the elective educational components, graduates can apply the acquired knowledge and skills in their practical work of a translator as well as in research activities in the fields of philology and translation.

In addition to the compulsory subjects, students can choose from a large list of subjects (the elective courses make up 25% of the total educational program). You can find the catalog of elective courses on the website of the department.

The Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the French has established contacts with international partners in order to involve them both in the educational process and in further employment. Within the framework of cooperation with the Embassy of the French Republic in Ukraine, there is a constant practice of involving French speakers, teachers of the French Institute of Ukraine (IFU), DELF-DALF coordinators.

Students of our department study according to the latest communicatively-oriented methods of such French and British publishing houses as Clé International, Didier, Express Publishing, they have access to the information resource Culturethèque due to an agreement with the French Institute of Ukraine and the Alliance Française.

Our students take an active part in international scientific and practical conferences organized on the basis of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and other institutions of higher education, thus improving their knowledge of scientific and technical translation.

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute signed agreements on cooperation and academic mobility (Erasmus + K1) of students according to the program “Distance learning” with Le Mans University (Le Mans Université, LeMans, France) and the program of students’ international academic mobility (Dumlupinar University (Kütahya, Turkey), Polytechnic University of Valencia (Valencia, Kingdom of Spain), University of Groningen (Groningen, Kingdom of the Netherlands), Friedrich Schiller University (Jena, Federal Republic of Germany), Catholic University of Leuven (Leuven, Kingdom of Belgium), University of Luxembourg (Grand Duchy of Luxembourg).

Graduates of the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the French are highly qualified professionals who perform their professional activities at a highly competitive level in various Ukrainian and foreign organizations: Ukrainian offices of French companies, the French Institute in Ukraine (Institut français d’Ukraine), the French Embassy in Ukraine, travel and advertising agencies, language schools, translation agencies, and many other organizations. Many graduates continue their studies in France, Belgium and other French-speaking countries and work in foreign companies.

In order to employ its graduates, the Department of Theory, Practice and Translation of the French cooperates with the French school “Bonjour, Français”, translation agency “Terra Lingua”, European online advertising agency “AdQuality”, educational agency “Business Link”.

The best graduates of the department have the opportunity to study at the third doctoral degree of higher education (specialization 035.055 “Romance Languages and Literatures (including Translation), primary – French)” of the Faculty of Linguistics of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.